Dear Wanderer,
Hi. I'm writing this letter to you to remind you that the world is much bigger than you think it is. You should be pleased, I would've screamed at you with snide gibberish. Yet, I kindly took the time out to trade tears and words in the hope of reaching out to as many as possible. I really hope that after you read this, it will leave a profound thought in your little fenced-up minds - to reflect.
Yes, reflect about the world that you now live in. Is it not a tiny, sad and one-way street? It goes on and on in a single direction with nothing new around the make-belief corners. You pass the same windows and doors which opens to nothing but a dark, vacant room. Maybe if you're lucky you could find a spider or two. You look down at your feet, at the path beneath and the concrete blocks which are faded and worn. Who did that? You. You've been walking down the same path over and over again and you don't realize it, until you trip in the sunken ground that your repetitive stubbornness made.
My question to you is, why would you want to live a life of such narrowness? Yes, narrow is what I call it. But you don't really get it, do you? How many people could you walk with down your honorable street? 20? No. I presume 2, at most 3. And that would only do with some squeezing. You've got your lover and perhaps your dear parents to back you up. But that's it. Where are your multitude of friends? Even 3 friends is a multitude, you know. But sadly, you don't have any. You only hear throngs of footsteps but when you turn around, no one is behind you.
I want you to see your own world, not from the path you traverse everyday, but from the large, spacious and curvy path at the opposite side - the real world. From the harsh, unfair and mean world, that is also filled with so much love. Can you see that? You have evaded the harsh love that could risk your everything, for the safe and secure love that offers nothing. At the end of every path is a junction. Small or big, you have the choice of making the same journey over and over again, repeating the same mistakes you were never aware of. Or you could open up and go for something bigger. It's never too late to stop, think and reflect. I want you to see the world as it is - enormous, colorful, sweet, loud, terrible, wonderful all packaged into one. Isn't it an amazing place? Before you get swallowed up by your own narrow-mindedness, look up and see that even the birds are enjoying it. It's time you do.
Best wishes,
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