Thursday, December 3, 2009

My box of chocolates

And I too, am looking for my Forrest.
I'll get another box of chocolates and look in there.
I gave the last one away to stupidity.

Friday, November 13, 2009

When time becomes undifferentiated

The shadows become friendly
The lights become intimidating
The colours all around meshes into one
The cold air becomes a constant companion
Inseparable from my grey routines
I stride ahead against the opposing wind
Somehow comforted and calmed by its strange chill
While the world around buzzed on in a hushed monotone.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Where the sun shines

Solitary distance spilled the truth -
Home is where the heart is. Always.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Camera Rollin'

We play the leads
The theme centers around us
The rest are just the extras
Making up the little necessities of our movie
Now is when we take over the role of the director
Directing our movie the way we want it
Mistakes can be costly
So bear in mind the limited rolls of films we have
Now is when the movie really starts to differ
For each individual has different expectations
From the plot to the light effects
The message we want to send out to the audience
Differs with our varying expertise
The level of achievement we desire
Differs with our innermost thoughts and personal satisfaction.

Now is when our paths really diverge.

So, then
Good luck to my fellow co-stars
And let the camera rollin' begin!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Web of truth and delusions

Intertwined in the beautiful web that we weaved
Our thoughts are left to manifest and grow
Often are we deluded by the promise they seemingly hold
Perfected by modern-day expectations and
Our increasing dependence on what we want to see
People that surround us contribute to each new line
Rarely is the web the same at the end of each day
Sometimes this is a thankful thing, sometimes not
How we intend to position ourselves on the delicate lines
Must be deliberate and accompanied by a little faith
Whatever the obstacles, perhaps a heavy dew drop
Can waver our motivation but not silencing it
Thus as we stand from afar and gaze at its manipulative beauty
We come to fully understand the nature of it
Which is in itself a plethora of our very own uncertainties.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The arrow and the song, a relationship that dictates

I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.

I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For who has sight so keen and strong,
That it can follow the flight of song?

Long, long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.

-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Friday, July 3, 2009

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder?

Who says real beauty lies within? I'm crushed to find out the reality. Today I'm going to start peeling the skin off so I don't get fooled anymore.

Friday, June 5, 2009


The ghosts of my past are coming back to haunt me. One by one they bring back the little pieces that they took from me, all covered in the dust of their ashes. The layers of memories are musty, and they smell. But then I cannot really breath, what with all the souls hovering about me. Should I be afraid, or excited?

[Image by 2jL from deviantart]

Friday, May 29, 2009


I love sharing the broken breeze with you, love it when it's all hills and grass and us. I don't mind rusting all the way with you... looking all bronzed-up together sounds like fun. You may not know it, but my engine still sputters for you.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Clandestine Affair

I ignore the risk of being exposed
Because I want to fall all the way down with you
Fall into your firm embrace
Even though its actually a trapping abyss
I don't really care
I'd let everything go
Just so I could stain your dull world
Well, maybe not everything
I guess I still need those red flats
Cus I've several hundred more steps to reaching you
So wait and
Don't let your temptation run wild just yet
I'm on my way with bliss in tow.

[Image by JazzyGeo]

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Escape from reality

Days that come and go make me wonder. Honking cars, the crowd, blistering sun, people's nonsensical talking, the piles of work, insufficient time, my overflowing wants. Where can I go to fit everything in, to take everything in? I want to wear those cinderella glass heels, I want to run away in them, far and gone without worries. They are my transporter to the next phase, the escape from reality into bliss. They support my stand in precarious times like this. Take me away so that we can get lost once again. And, don't break under the weight, because all I have now is my perseverance and you, my little glass heels.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Memory in black and white

Perhaps it is just a silent reverie, a black and white dream in which all is but imperfect - save for a hint of sorrow and longing.

It came back in a flash, a flicker of life. I saw a blurred silhouette, I saw you.

And then there was more, images of ghostly half apparitions, part me, part you. I hope we're both heading to the same destination.

So I began searching in the deepest, darkest corners. Places we've been. I tried, but yet the effect was dizzying. Some came back too fast...

Some too slow... almost like an apocalyptic standstill.

I went back to the place where our sorrows and needs were drowned, muted. It was a mess, I couldn't find our set of footprints. Evidence that we've been through everything together is lost.

All that is let behind, I weep and I laugh. I have all that I need. I have nothing to fear, because peace is in everything that I keep.

Alas! I'd give that up. I want to be with you once again, fighting the waves and the storm. Holding our breaths, plunging into seas of uncertainties. Turbulent times give me the thrill...and shall I say, satisfaction?

Things are still hazy. But after all this time, after all the probing and searching, my window is still open, awaiting your return.

When the right time comes, maybe you and I can sit under the big oak tree once more. Lost in the thoughts that we share.

For now I can do nothing but grasp on to the thinning thread of hope. A road has been paved for me, but I cannot traverse it alone. I need to have my identity back, I need to feel like I belong here. Before the last tide sets in, please. Come back to me.


[Images from denis2 at deviantart]

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Where do i stand?

Where do i stand amidst all the chaos, silent yet always resurgent?
[I need to find my ground]

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Little wonders...

~a whiff of poignant beauty~

Friday, April 3, 2009

It struck me wide-eyed..

In the car, my dad's ramblings fill my mornings
Something stood out today, though -
"What (little) you know is what constrains you."

And in the background the speakers softly played James Morrison
"...I guess there's so much more..for me to learn..."

Boy, did my puny eyes become like this --> @_@

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ours is the Time

The Persistence of Memory - Salvador Dali

Oh how it flows,
and flows
When all else is as it is.

Nothing will hold it still!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Odd Nerdrum

Works of oddity by an odd one, not for those without an imagination.

Man bitten by Snake

Sleeping Twins

Man with a Woman's head

The Black Cloud


Pissing Woman

Sole Morte

* "Man bitten by Snake", the work of his that first blew me off my feet.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Miracles of Pain

Pain has led me to feel so many 'wonders' for my past 18 or so years spent on Earth.

I felt :

- The kiss of a bee on my hand

- The result of intensified friction between skin and ROUGH ground

- What it was like to try move a wall with the thumping of my head

- PMS : Post Maternity Syndrome (Nah its the other one!)

- How fun it was during my first football game when my toenail came off

- The joy of playing with hot, boiling water which spilled and scalded my skin

- Bruce Lee's eye-jabbing reflex imitated by my sis, experimented on me

- The bursting of my ear drums when Pixie screeches in my ears

And the list of physical pain goes on. If given a choice, I wouldn't remove all the pain receptors under my skin. There's just so much more to feel out there!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Nutshell Confessionals

There's something crazy going on inside
No one knows 'cus it looks dry and wrinkled on the outside
But it's about to happen
The darkness within will reveal itself
It's gonna crack!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

It's all in a nutshell?

They say that it's all in a nutshell.
I agree.
Don't you?